Infinite scrolling


El Insomnio a vuelto, y cada vez es más seguido, necesito algo para poder dormir


  1. nada mejor para quedarse dormido que el noticiero de las 11.45 pm...

  2. un martillo y mucha fuerza de voluntad

  3. Do what Jack did. Develop a better looking, cooler alter ego, and have him start a revolution of the mind. First start a club where dudes can beat the shit out of each other, then have them all live in your house, then shave their head and start making soap so you can support them. Then realize that the alter ego is yourself and put a gun to your head.

    Pull the trigger.

    Once the alter ego dies you will happily spend the rest of your days in a sanitarium for the criminally insane.

    - allBash
    I am Jack's boredom.
