Infinite scrolling


I used to be a big fan of this band but then something happened... I found out that almost everysong sounds equales to the rest so I sopped lintening a long time ago. But there were some songs that sound different from the rest, this was the case of Hunting High and Low and Black Diamond among others.

Today I was listening to a station and the dream of those little songs that sounds different ended. I heard for the first time a song called Eagleheart and for my surprise it was not Hunting High and Low. why do I say this? because it sounds just like hunting... It was an impact when I found some things different but is almost the same song. What happens with those guys, suffer the from a lack of creativity????? - Linux Games For You

Justo watching over the net I found this place, is full of tutorials and tips to make your favorite games run over linux... I just found it and now I love it :D


BenchMark-0.9.5 - The Official Wine Wiki

I was looking around and I found this. I've hear about Wine some years ago (I think almost when the project begun) but this left me wordless. there are some comparative test of performace over windows XP against wine.Its obvious that windows XP could be better and that wine would abort some test. But it won in 67 of 149 tests. I mean this is almost the 50% which makes me think that windows is worst that I thought. Why? because the games were designed for windows and Wine is like a virtual machine over Linux which should be more unstable and slower... But it won windows in almost the 50% of the test... unbelivebe



Well, As you may see in my previous posts. Now I'm trying to move away from all microsoft stuff. Which is hard but not specially for microsot but for the tools that were written to it. And is very good to have ports of videogames, full IM compatibility and other things.

One of the things I needed to my work is Oracle compatibility. Well I just found this program that offers full oracle administration compatibility, just like toad does. The day of the end of windows in my PC is close.


Well, I really liked the previos skin I was using but I think the navigation wasn't as easy as I expected and it was to small for the 1024x786 screen resolution so I changed the old skin to this new one. It took me the whole day to find a good skin... But the good ones were all balck so finally I take one black.

The pic is the new fedora logo, I'll put a link in the credits part, well I asked for the permission to use this logo and the fedora group should send me an e-mail with the licence but they didn't so I decide to use it without their permission. Anyway I'm not doin' anything bad with it and I'm sure I'm not goin' to be sued from an Open Source comunity. And admit some how I'm helping them... and helping them I'm helping me and you, because I hope you download this Linux distribution.

el factor humano » Archivo » Diccionario en Español para OpenOffice

Finally I found a way to install the spanish dictionary into so you should check this page if you (as me) are spanish speakers


My Fist Ubuntu Experience

Ubuntu Linux
There was a time when I used SuSE Linux and it was allright. The instalation was easy, I had all the software I'd probably use I would configure almost eveything. It was the time of the rmp -iv. But then came the ISDN and the lack of support for Linux. Finally I could use my USB modem to work but the speed was 1/3 than the window connection speed so I left SuSE.

It was almost 2 years ago when this happened. Now I have DSL so I think iy'd work better, and it did. But then I realize that SuSE 9.0 was old (I was working with KDE 3.1) Iknow must of the people would say it was not old anyway I wanted to start a fresh installation. Well I want to try Fedora but someone gave to me the latest version of Ubuntu (5.10). because everyone speaks to well of the distribution so i did it.

The instalation Was ugly. I mean, SuSE installation is easy to use and friendly. It comes with almost every piece of software that I would use and with some predefined profiles like developer or office. But ubuntu does not let me choose the programs I want to use it simpley installs the predefined packages... and GNome well, I thing it is not bad, just that I'll miss the KDE apps that I'm going to use (that if I can make my conecttion work) which as far as I've been looking is far away from easy for final users.

Well, I'll write more about my experience with Ubuntu soon.

:: Reviews : Switching to Windows: Not as easy as you think

Well, I've been a Linux/Windows user for sometime, and all I can say is that all this things is true. I mean the Linux console is a powerful tool and an experienced user would like more all the linux stuff. For inexperience user Windows would seem better but at the same time it frustrates power users because it doesn't allow us to do the things the way we want.Anyway Linux has turn to be as easy for new ones as for old power users.


Dream Theater - The Official Site

Finally one of my favorites bands. And the one which introduce myself into prog rock will come to this country. I really want to see this. Is one of the things I've been dreaming for the last years.This is really exiting.


The Media's Crush on Apple

This is a sad thing, Apple goes Intel... now we will see apples with windows and PC's with OSX


Wired News: Spin Doctors Create Quantum Chip

Well, all the theory that will put the question is P=NP in history (well out of practical considerations but we all know we will still trying to solve this question) has come to the world. The quantum processor. Even when everyone though this won't happen soon.Anyway I don't think this will come soon to our computers. Maybe in ten years or more.


My first DBLP entry

Well, I didn't knew the importance of this but I got my first DBLP entry (here) this is an index of publications in computer sciences. I also got one on the ACM portal (here).

As I said before I just saw this like something normal. But the people say this is an important thing for researchers on our field, well you judge.


Today I saw the short film "Vincent" from Tim Burton, I think it was his first film as a director. Well my impression, It's a real good film and is only 5.48 minutes long. Is about a boy who dreams he is a mad sciencist but somehow it remembers me the book Demian from Herman Hesse even when the histories are totally different. Anyway is a must see, I think you can download it somewhere.

Der Himmel über Berlin

After too much search I found my favorite movie Quote, it is taken from a monologue in the movie "Der Himmel über Berlin" (a.k.a. Wings of desire) this one is from the scene of the old poet, so here you have it:

Tell me, muse, of the storyteller who has been thrust to the edge of the world, both an infant and an ancient, and through him reveal everyman. With time, those who listened to me became my readers. They no longer sit in a circle, bur rather sit apart. And one doesn't know anything about the other. I'm an old man with a broken voice, but the tale still rises from the depths, and the mouth, slightly opened, repeats it as clearly, as powerfully. A liturgy for which no one needs to be initiated to the meaning of words and sentences.
To se the rest of memorable quotes yo should go to imdb (here). And I'll give you a bonus track, my favorite quotes from the movie Blade Runner yoe may also find them here:
"More human than human" is our motto.

I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhauser gate. All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain. Time to die.
hwpr0n I don't know if this is a bad joke or what. They call it porn for nerds, well is not really porn because no one is naked, Bot there are some pretty girls with network equipment... I don't get it.

By the way I was trying to faind what happened with Duke Nukem Forever and there still the message that the will finish it "When Its Done" some months before I was the only one who still belive that this game will come to the stores soon. Now I lost the hope. I think I'll never see a new Duke Nukem.


tweaker logo.

I've just find this amazing band and now is one of my favorites. As I previous said, I've been always a Nine Inch Nails fan. So I was thinking about the fact that the With Theeth was recorded by Foo Fighter singer Dave Grohl (if you remember he was the Nirvana dummer and has play in many albums like the David Bowie's Heathen) anyway the fact is that Vrenna is in NIN no more, so I asked myself about what is he doin' right now.

Well right now he is playing as tour drummer for Marilyn Manson but he also have this amazin band called tweaker (here) so if you don't mind to listen an industrial sound which touch the ambient sound I'm sure you should try this one.

Well I love two special songs, the first one is called Ruby is really good, comes slowly and have some guitar breaks with awful powerchords. The second one is Thruth is which is featured with Robert Smith (The Cure) which is one of the greatest Gothic Singers (if not the best).

Well I really like this band and I encourage all of you to listen to it. See you next time.

What the 2005 left me

Today I was thinking in all those things that the 2005 left me. All my achieves and my failures and I decided to put them into a list. Now I'm going to share all this stuff with you an may you tell me what you think.
  • I got tree papers into conference proceedings (GECCO, CEC and the Latin American Web Conference).
  • One of this papers (the GECCO one) got the award of paper of the year in the track of artificial immune systems.
  • I've got an acceptance notice for a paper into the Natural Computing Journal.
  • I've got my Bachelor degree in computer sciences.
  • Now I'm 23
  • I finish most of the books of Albert Camus.
  • I have a good job.
As you may see the 2005 was a good year but nothig is complete and there's my 2005 failures:
  • I still single.
  • I coulnd't go to any conference.
  • I coulnd't pay my entrance to a master degree program.
  • Finally I quit guitar playing.
So this presents new challenges for me in the 2006. those are.
  • Find a girl.
  • Go to at least one conference.
  • Keep doin' research.
  • Publish more papers.
  • Enter into a post graduate program.
I really hope to achieve this this year. I expect that 2006 will be better than the past year.

EL TIEMPO.COM - Economía -> El Airbus A-380, el avión comercial más grande del mundo, llegará el próximo domingo a Medellín

EL TIEMPO.COM - Economía -> El Airbus A-380, el avión comercial más grande del mundo, llegará el próximo domingo a Medellín
SOmething I din'd expected. I thought Colombia didn't have an airport with the conditions to make the A-380 lan, but well the will test it here in Colombia. Maybe I'm goin' to see it

Slashdot | Robert Fripp to Compose Vista's Soundtrack

Robert Fripp to Compose Vista's Soundtrack
Well I found this that will make windows vista worth to install. I mean I was thinking that Vista won't do much for me. But as a King Crimson fan I think I would like to have its new sounds (and not the boring XP ones) on my PC. If you don't know who's Robert Fripp or what is King Crimson you can find it here but I tell you that is an amazing prog rock band which create the genre (despite the disscussion if it was Yes or Crimson)

Well but you may heard of it if you like Ozzy Ousburne and you listen to his last album, the song 21th century schizoid man (Which is also the name of this blog) is original from Crimson, from their first album In the court of the crimson king.

Well this is a good new for me. So in the link above you may find a link to see the record session and maybe listen to the new Windows sounds.

New Life to this Blog

As you may see I've made some changes to this blog. I made this to give it a new life. I also get some firefox plugins to made my postings more easy in order to use it a little more.

I think this is like a new beginning when I will share mi thoughts and my life to anyone who wants to see it. Well I don't thing I'm different from anyone else, but I think is nice to keep a blog, and now I like the way it look even with all the problems to get this skin works.

The new Stuff is. First thing is the javascript menu so I will explain it:
  • Entries. well, I think this is self explain.
  • Profile. As the one before is self explained.
  • Shouts. Well, this is a tag link, I never used it before but I think must of you know how to use it.
  • Plugs. This is the place of the blogs and some cool pages. You also may find the link to the RSS feed of this blog as well to the link of the place I found this skin, and off course, the Blogger link.
  • Past. Here you can find the prevous posts.
Beacuse I cannot put the comments as I wanted. well there's allways the pop-up so you can still see and post comments, I hope you enyou the changes.