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rfsd: ReiserDriver

If you like me, have to OS in your comuter (in my case Windows and Linux) one of the nightmares is that Windows don't even seen other filesistems than FAT, NTFS, CDFS, CDA etc. but what happens if you want to read a file you let in your linux partition which usually is EXT2, EXT3 or ReiserFS. Well I found this tree programs (well two of them work as drivers) for this kind of partitions.

As far as I know Explore2fs seems to be the more stable of them, but this is not a driver, is a program and it doesn't write over EXT3 (but it reades it). Anyway is not transparent for windows.

ReiserFS and fs-driver Mounts this filesystems to be excecutes at the same level of NTFS or FAT so they are cleanly read by Windows as just another Hard Drive. FS Driver also writes EXT3 mounting it as an EXT2 partition, it leaves EXT3 with som lack of security but it works.

The main problem of this programs (and is not a problem is just the way windows works) is that anybody can read and write any file... so be careful with your system drives, you don't want to lose your passwd file.

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