Infinite scrolling


I've alway liked the essays writen by Paul Graham, they give an insight of the industry world in the field of computer sciences that is very difficult to find by a person as young as I am. That's why my favorite weblog is foxtrot's weblog. Both, foxtrot and paul, gives very good advices if you have think in create your own startup.

I used to be a follower of Paul Graham essays until I started to use rss readers, then I lost the custom for going to webpages searching new content. At that time that page didn't have syndicators. Anyway I found that it have now, and I took time to read some of his essays. I really liked the one called "the 18 mistakes that kill startups" one of the things about this essay that draw my attention is the fact that it can be read eve if you're working in other field that is not computer sciences. It is a really worth essay, and I encourage you all, if you have ever thing to go on your own, to read it.


  1. de casualidad la empresa de foxtrot se llama ingenian?

  2. Un consejo de foxtrot que le va gratis: "Nunca le ofrezca empleo a Pong." :P
